
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Finally Finished trophy-whoring Alice Madness Returns

That is correct my fellow bloggers! I finished trophy-whoring Alice yesterday! That's right, I finally have the Platinum Trophy to show my hard work put into that game. I might also need to add that this was my first Platinum Trophy ever :P

I put in a lot of hard work into getting that trophy, but it wasn't really that difficult at all. The only trophy to get that was a pain in the ass was the trophy for gathering all the memories. It was really irritating to get because the developers really hid those memories away well -.-" But oh well, no use complaining, I FINALLY GOT IT!

The next item on the list is Duke Forever, but that one will have to wait for a while. I gotta take a break :(



  1. Congratulations for this!
    Duke Nukem Forever is really nice too.
    Good Luck with it.
    Have a nice day!

  2. Cool. Good luck with that

  3. Wow, neato!

  4. Trophy Whoring rocks, I can't stop playing until I get at least most of the achievements/trophys, but sometimes, there's just the biggest BS challenges ever. I say screw those and never bat an eye.

  5. Congrats man, just started playing it myself.

  6. congrats on getting it dude.

  7. Congrats on getting that trophy.

  8. Haha, nothing like earning trophies to make you want to take a break from gaming. I know WoW's achievements burnt me out me pretty fast.
